You might be wondering why I didn’t include Sniper Rifles for Long Range weapons – well, this ranking is really meant for Platinum solo/duo level playing. Paired with the Turian Ghost, it makes solo-ing Platinum look easy. Its stability and accuracy makes it a great long range weapon and its rate of fire and fast reload allows you to deal with close-up swarms as well. I swear by the Harrier in almost all Platinum matches. I’m going to simplify it into CLOSE RANGE, MEDIUM/LONG RANGE, and ALL AROUND best weapons.ĬERBERUS HARRIER Assault Rifle – 908.19 DPS Ok, so what are the BEST WEAPONS in the game? Well, that really depends on the character you use and your playstyle. *Geth Plasma SMG, Striker Assault Rifle, and N7 Typhoon Assault Rifle omitted because their damage is variable. The stats assume that you have the weapon at level X, more than one clip worth of ammo to use, and you know how to reload cancel. I did you all a favor and sorted the data for you to rank the top 10 weapons by DPS (damage per second), which is really the stat that counts on Platinum. Thanks to Cyonan’s data-mining efforts, the damage stats for the new Reckoning weapons are now out ( see full post here). Thanks to all you guys for pointing out that I effed up, ha! :) The post has been updated to reflect the corrections. *Update* Sorry, I accidentally copied wrong DPS data for pistols into this.